A picture of me


@theRealShayon - Fall 2018

@theRealShayon was a project created for the CSCI 2270 Data Structures course at the University of Colorado, Boulder The objective of the project was to use any data structure in any way of our choosing. My partner Jacob Hough and I decided to create a twitter bot that generates text using a graph data structures as a Markov Chain. The main process read sentences from a text file and stored each unique word in a graph. Next, probabilities of word occurences were calculated and used to traverse the graph and generate a new sentence. This main process was written in C++. The C++ compiled program was called from a Python script which managed the Twitter account.


@theRealPython - Winter 2018

@theRealPython is a pure Python rework of @theRealShayon. This version was created so that the program could run on a server. @theRealPython is the version of the project that is actively deployed on Heroku and is still currently tweeting.
